📢[Temporary Announcement from Su Shulou・School for the Elderly will be suspended once on October 2] This Wednesday, "Unsolved Mysteries in History Textbooks: Zeng Guofan's Way to Success", teacher Li Yifeng, will be suspended once, October 2, 113

You are currently viewing 📢【素書樓臨時公告・10月02日樂齡學堂⚠️停課一次】本週三「歷史課本未解之謎:曾國藩的成功之道」,李宜峰老師,停課一次,113年10月02日

📢[Temporary Announcement from Su Shulou・School for the Elderly will be suspended once on October 2] This Wednesday, "Unsolved Mysteries in History Textbooks: Zeng Guofan's Way to Success", teacher Li Yifeng, will be suspended once, October 2, 113

Hello everyone 🙇

I would like to report to everyone that Teacher Li Yifeng's "Unsolved Mysteries in History Textbooks: Zeng Guofan's Way to Success" senior class, which was originally scheduled to be held today (October 2), has been suspended due to the typhoon. Thank you for your support. Tolerance 🙇

The topics of this course will be rescheduled in the form of online courses, and the video playback URL will also be announced on "Qian Mu's Former Residence - YouTube Channel" and "Qian Mu's Former Residence - FB Fan Page"! We sincerely invite you all to gather online again, and I wish all my friends everything is safe during the typhoon👋

# ElderSchool#Historical story
#NationalRevolution#May 4th Movement
#婷国胗# Taiping Heavenly Kingdom
#半妖的夜iddleEarly Republic of China#Free courses
#李易峰# Qian Mu's former residence