📌【Su Shulou Announcement】The opening time of Qian Mu's former residence during the Ching Ming holiday! April 01, 112

You are currently viewing 📌【素書樓公告】錢穆故居清明假期開館時間!112年04月01日

📌【Su Shulou Announcement】The opening time of Qian Mu's former residence during the Ching Ming holiday! April 01, 112

Mr. Qian Mu once said: "Sweeping tombs and worshiping ancestors in Qingming is a great gift for the people and a great joy in life."

We modern people may not understand for a while, why sweeping graves is a great joy in life? Mr. Qian said,This is because the festivals of our traditional culture often combine natural seasons with humanistic spirit. Therefore, "Three hundred and sixty days a year, there are special etiquettes, special appreciations, special remembrances and special wishes from time to time. The blue sky is also very humane. The four seasons and festivals are continuous, like a poem." Therefore, our life is full of poetic interest and charm.

I wish all the good friends in the former residence feel peaceful and peaceful during this festive season. When they meet, there will be peach rain immediately, and I am happy to see apricot blossoms in front of the tree. During the 112-year Qingming holiday, Qian Mu’s former residence will be open on April 01 (Saturday) and April 02 (Sunday); April 03 (Monday), April 04 (Tuesday), April 04 05th (Wednesday) will be closed for three days🌼

⏰Closed days are as follows:
April 03 (Monday)
April 04 (Tuesday)
April 05 (Wednesday)

# During the Ching Ming Festival, there is a lot of rain
#Four seasons and festivals#The taste of life
# Closed Announcement # Ching Ming Holiday
# Solar Terms # Former Residence of Qian Mu