📢【Temporary Announcement of Sushu Building・⚠️Class Suspension Notice⚠️】The first week of June (June 03) "Doctrine of the Mean" will be suspended, and the second week (June 10) will be held normally - Lecture on Four Books and Moral Education, Teacher Xin Yiyun , 03 Jun 112

You are currently viewing 📢【素書樓臨時公告・⚠️停課通知⚠️】六月第一週(06月03日)「中庸」停課,第二週(06月10日)正常上課-四書與品德教育講座 ,辛意雲老師,112年06月03日

📢【Temporary Announcement of Sushu Building・⚠️Class Suspension Notice⚠️】The first week of June (June 03) "Doctrine of the Mean" will be suspended, and the second week (June 10) will be held normally - Lecture on Four Books and Moral Education, Teacher Xin Yiyun , 03 Jun 112

Hello everyone 🙇

Here is a temporary notice to everyone, the course of Teacher Xin Yiyun's "Four Books and Moral Education Lecture" held on the first week of June (June 03) will be suspended once for some reason, thank you for your understanding🙇

The second week of June (June 10th) resumes normal classes, teaching "The Doctrine of the Mean", we sincerely invite everyone to gather together in the lecture hall👋

#Suspension Announcement#06月03日
#Sushulou Lecture Hall#Xin Yiyun
#Zhongyong#四书#Life Wisdom
# Online Course# Qian Mu’s Former Residence