📌【Sushulou Closing Announcement】The filming crew of Qian Mu's former residence will be closed for photography! November 06, 110​

You are currently viewing 📌【素書樓閉館公告】錢穆故居劇組攝影閉館時間!110年11月06日​

📌[Announcement from Sushulou] The filming crew of Qian Mu's former residence is closed for photography! November 06, 110​

Hello everyone! At the beginning of December this year, a crew will come to Qian Mu’s former residence for filming, so we will be closed for three days. Sorry for the inconvenience, please forgive me 🙇​

I am looking forward to seeing the scenery of the former residence with another face arranged by the crew's skillful hands on the screen with you in the near future😎​

⏰The closing days are as follows:​

November 30 (Tuesday)​
December 01 (Wednesday)​
December 02 (Thursday)​

Friends, please don't make a trip for nothing! Advance notice: There will be outdoor reading activities in the former residence on December 5th, so stay tuned 👀​

#场租租lent# Film crew photography​
#CLOSED time# Qian Mu’s Former Residence