📖【Interview with Mr. Qian Mu's life scene】Mr. Qian Mu's 32nd anniversary commemorative micro-exhibition: "Mr. Qian Mu's bookcase", August 30, 2011

You are currently viewing 📖【走訪錢穆先生的生活場景】錢穆先生逝世卅二周年紀念微展覽:「錢穆先生的書櫃」,111年08月30日



📖【Interview with Mr. Qian Mu's life scene】Mr. Qian Mu's 32nd anniversary commemorative micro-exhibition: "Mr. Qian Mu's bookcase", August 30, 2011

Hello friends! August 30 this year marks the 32nd anniversary of the death of Mr. Qian Mu. In order to commemorate Mr. Qian Mu, Qian Mu's former residence planned a miniature exhibition. We specially opened Mr. Qian Mu’s bookcase so that everyone can read the books that Mr. Qian Mu loved to read and recommended for everyone to read in Mr. Qian Mu’s study room, and personally experience the scholarly atmosphere of the Sushu Building back then.

Mr. Qian Mu loved books all his life. When my husband was teaching at Peking University, he saved money and spent all his salary on buying books. He joked with his friends that even if the school dismissed him and set up a bookstall, he would not have to worry about life.

However, my husband's favorite thing is reading. Sir, reading is not only for academic research. He believes that the most important thing is that he likes to read, and he can benefit from each other in his heart. Mr. once said:

"If we sincerely want to be a human being, "cultivate the interest and improve the state", only these eight characters can be used for a lifetime. As long as we are willing to read and follow these eight characters to read, we can gain a new interest, Enter a new realm. If you can keep reading every day in your spare time and persevere, then you will be able to cultivate the interest in life and improve the realm of life. That is the essence of life. The greatest happiness and the highest enjoyment."

Twenty-three books have been selected for this micro-exhibition, including some that my husband loves to read every day, those that affect the meaning of my life, and some important books that my husband thinks everyone can read and is easy to read.

We welcome everyone to freely read! The master said: "If you are free with these books, you can lie on a wicker chair with a cup of tea or coffee. You can read one or two books at will. You can read which ones you like. If you get something, it will be in the book. This one." It is exactly: "Idle clouds and wild grass can be obtained by looking up, but how can they be given to others!"

📆Exhibition time: August 30, 2011 (Saturday) to October 30, 2011 (Sunday)

🏡Exhibition location: Study room on the second floor of Qian Mu's former residence (No. 72, Linxi Road, Shilin District, Taipei City)

🔔Exhibition fee: free admission, no tickets required

#The 32nd anniversary of the death of Mr. Qian Mu
#Seven books everyone must read
#学而时学之#Qian Mu Former Residence